Carpet maintenance e course day 2

Subject: Day 2. Carpet maintenance e course

Day 2. Carpet maintenance cleaning e course.

Today, I will be showing you how to use the tools and solutions and of course the buffer machine.

Hello again Friend

Without jumping in at the deep end, we must start the carpet maintenance cleaning process first by testing. That’s right, we need to test every carpet we clean. But don’t worry, testing takes just a minute and it will tell you how stable or unstable your carpet colors are. We test carpets first before we clean them.

Here’s the test;
First off, let me just say here; 1 in 100 carpets are usually unsafe to clean using this carpet maintenance system. Therefore, we must have a backup solution that will stabilize colors and neutralize carpet PH levels. The solution to this 1 in 100 problem is your carpet rinse solution. It is this solution which will neutralize your carpets PH and make it safe to clean. But first, we must test your carpets just to make sure that your carpet colors are stable.

If we find unstable colors in your carpets, then there is a solution! ‘The carpet rinse is the solution to this problem’. But testing is essential to give us some idea as to how stable your carpet colors actually are.
We need a plain white tissue, or a white piece of toilet roll. A kitchen roll or any absorbent white tissue will do.
Next, we need a mix of carpet buff cleaning solution. Normally this solution mixes at 10-1, the bigger part being warm water. So it’s 10 parts warm water to 1 part buff cleaning solution. But do check on your instruction label. Mixing can vary depending on the manufacturer. Mix the buff cleaning solution to the recommended mixing levels as described on the label of the solution container. It may be 10-1 or 20-1 or sometimes even 50-1. Just make a 1 litre mix in your measuring jug by adding 1 litre of water into your pressure sprayer, then add the suggested measure of buff cleaning solution and shake your sprayer to mix.We need to spray a small test area somewhere where it won’t be noticed on your carpet. Behind a settee or a door maybe. Simply spray in enough buff cleaning solution to wet every carpet color in an area about a few inches in size if possible.Take your tissue, and press the tissue onto the solution and hold it with your knuckles on the carpet, pressing down for 30 seconds. This will tell you how stable your carpet colors are.Take a look at your tissue after about 30 seconds and see if any color has migrated into your tissue. If the tissue is clear, then your carpet colors are stable and will not be effected by cleaning.
Once we are satisfied that our carpets are safe to clean we commence with the system.The solution that we are using will work hot and cold. But you may want to add some hot water 1/2 a litre and a half measure of buff cleaning solution just to bring up the temperature of the solution if required. But you may well have a warm mix in the sprayer. If this is the case, then proceed as follows.The first thing you will need to do is thoroughly vacuum clean your carpet. Do this by working against the flow of your carpet pile. In other words, feel which way your carpet pile flows. Pull your upright machine towards yourself against which way your carpet pile flows.
Simply rub your hand across your carpet and feel the flow of your carpet pile. You need to work against the flow of your carpet pile with your vacuum cleaner. Ie, if you pull your machine slowly towards yourself, the machine brush on the underside will turn forward. The pile will be raised for the vacuum to follow.

The vacuum will pull out soils from your raised carpet pile. If you vacuum clean the opposite way, then soils get buried in the pile because the turning brush on the machine flattens the pile and buries the soils.

So, we must thoroughly vacuum clean your carpets before you commence to clean them.

You don’t need to move any furniture for carpet maintenance cleaning. But with this being your first time, I would move items of furniture across the room so that you have a clear run at cleaning one side of your room. Later, when we get a bit more confident with this system, you can clean your carpets with all your furniture in place. But get used to the system first by using it. Then you’ll be more confident about leaving furniture in place.

Always remember to open a couple of windows to allow the moisture in the air to escape. Without ventilation air moisture will stay in your room. Slow drying and dull carpets will be the outcome.

So, we normally start carpet maintenance cleaning from the furthest corner of your room. So, as you walk in to the room, the furthest point of the room is the place to start.
You have your sprayer at the ready. You’ve vacuum cleaned your carpet and you’ve done your carpet color test. Lastly, you need a mix of carpet rinse solution. For this you need a bucket of warm water, preferably 5 litres. In it, you pour into your measuring jug normally just 100 mls, that’s 1 tenth of a litre of carpet rinse solution. This measure can vary according to manufacturers instructions. Simply mix your carpet rinse solution by following the manufacturers instructions. (On the label)

Pour the solution into your measuring jug then pour it into your bucket of warm water. This is used for rinsing through your buffing pads. We dowse the pad into the rinse solution then ring it out to damp.
We use the buffing pad on the base of the machine, damp. Simply, put your damp pad flat onto your carpet, then place the buffer machine onto it so that the Velcro disk grips the pad.
Once you start the machine, the pad will cling to the Velcro disk.

Simply mix your rinse solution as suggested on the container label.

So, now, you are ready to spray on your buff cleaning solution. We normally work at about 5 ft square areas. We spray on the buff cleaning solution like a fine mist. 1 litre should cover approx 20 square metres. We spray on the solution in 5 ft squares approx, then simply buff clean with the machine.

Just work slowly at first until you get confident. I usually work from side to side, left to right, right to left. I overlap half the buffing pad each time I make a pass. You slowly work from left to right and right to left, overlapping half with each pass.
One buffer pad will clean approx 20 square metres. You switch it over to the other side and repeat the process.

One pad will normally clean one 30 square metre area. When the pad is dirty, (both sides) you chuck into the washing machine on quick wash. It helps if you’ve got 2 or 3 pads. You must always put the dirty pads into the washing machine before you use them again.

To move the buffer machine from left to right and right to left, you raise and lower the handle. The machine moves from side to side as you lift and lower the machine handle. It’s very easy to use. When you hire the buffer machine, just ask at the hire shop for them to show you how the machine works. The assistant will run through with you what to do.

As a re-cap, you must;
1/ Test your carpet
2/ Vacuum clean thoroughly
3/ Mix your buff cleaning solution
5/ Mix your 5 litres of rinse solution
6/ Rinse your buff cleaning pad in the rinse solution.
7/ Ring out the pad to damp
8/ Spay your buff cleaning solution on 5ft square area of carpet
9/ Buff clean the solution using the machine
10 Repeat until carpet has been cleaned

And that my friend is it! If you follow these instructions, you can re-peat the cleaning process over and over on a 4-8 week time scale.
The idea is to remove carpet soils before they start to show. That way, your carpets are always in ship shape condition. No soils equals longer lasting carpets. Clean and healthy carpets. Good looking carpets that are bright, colorful and springy soft to the touch.
Tomorrow, I will be showing you how to deal with stains and spots and also stair cleaning with the carpet maintenance system. Stay tuned and I look forward to our next session tomorrow.
Bye for now.
Shane Daley
Haulway Carpet Cleaning
PS. Any questions, please skype me at shanedaley59 or e mail
Helping you with your carpet cleaning needs now and in the future.