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Are You At least “70% Certain” You Really Want To Clean Your Carpets?

If you are, then I can help get you marvelous carpet cleaning results, starting right here and now, here’s how,,,

No-one likes spending hours and hours cleaning a carpet only to make it saturated and wet for days with a dull finish after drying. No, you don’t want that ever. That’s the reason why I created  shanedaley.org. Totally with you in mind as a DIY carpet cleaner. I never want that miserable carpet cleaning outcome for you. Not ever!

Everyone must start somewhere and unfortunately for most DIY carpet cleaners it usually leads to wet for days carpets, re-soiling and dull lifeless looking carpets all within just a few days after cleaning. So, whats wrong? Why do people get these poor results and eventually give up doing there own carpet cleaning?

The answer my friend is not because people don’t try hard enough. Its not because the machine they used wasn’t powerful enough. The reasons why people always get a poor carpet cleaning result is due to inexperience! But even 5 or more years of DIYing it won’t get you the great carpet cleaning results you want. Remember, I was cleaning carpets for a living for more than 5 years not knowing why I was getting crap results from my strenuous efforts. The reasons for my terrible carpet cleaning results was a lack of knowledge, the wrong technique and misuse of the carpet cleaning solutions.

I thought the best way to clean a carpet was to pass the machine over the carpets repeatedly over and over and over again.

That was the only way to get them clean I thought. One pass just wasn’t enough, it failed to clean every time. So, the results was, my customer got one hell of a bad deal. Soaked carpets that took days to dry. And did you know that an over wet carpet will and does eventually dry dull and lifeless. Not to mention a flat and a worn out look too. Its very sad, but most customers who got a deal like this, they eventually binned their carpets and changed to laminated flooring. Carpet cleaning was always a problem.

Right now, you are in an advantageous situation. If you are serious about cleaning your carpets, then I have the answers to the puzzle. But I am not willing to give away these hard won tactics to just anyone. If I was to do that I would go broke in a few months.

shanedaley.org is a site for people just like you. People who want to learn how to do their own carpet cleaning.

I’ve spent years helping people to get fantastic carpet cleaning results through my site shanedaley.org. But right now you must make a decision. Because if you are not at least 70% certain you would like to learn how to clean your own carpets and get great carpet cleaning results, you will leave this site empty handed. I don’t want to attempt to teach you if you really don’t want to be taught. I’m tired of trying to cater to people who are not in the market for DIY carpet cleaning. I’m sure you can appreciate where I’m coming from.

Here’s what I’d like you to consider.

shanedaley.org is in three parts.

  • Part 1/- FREE
  • Part 2/- For committed people who want to clean their carpets.
  • Part 3/- For people to broaden their carpet cleaning skills and learn more about  carpet and upholstery cleaning, ie carpet maintenance and upholstery cleaning, protection treatments, ext,,,

Now, to be honest, not everyone wants to learn about keeping carpets clean and upholstery cleaning. So I would like to filter out those people who are simply not interested.

On the other hand, you may well be the very person I am looking for. So I want you to simply let me know you are there. To do just that, you are very welcome to join us for FREE. You will need to register as a free member and then you will have access to the – free members area – where you can get an idea about how shanedaley.org works.

  • Part 1/- FREE membership gives you access to approximately 50% share of 100 pages and posts. There you will find a wealth of information that will help you get a better understanding about what is actually involved in DIY carpet cleaning.


  • Part 2/- Gives you a 20% share of 100 pages and posts. That’s approximately 20 posts and pages. The idea is to home me in on your carpet cleaning needs. Then I will help to get you started carpet cleaning. Plus you get access to a complete education showing you the method that gets results. You’ll receive guidance with selecting the right tools and solutions and a machine whether that be a hire machine or your own.

I also give you access to a series of carpet cleaning videos specially created for the DIY carpet cleaner. Just watching these videos alone will show you the best, most effective way forward.

Also, I won’t be out of the picture. I will always be available to you for whatever reasons. My aim for you on part 2 of the shanedaley.org website is to give you the teachings you’ll need in order to start your DIY carpet cleaning. Show you how to get fantastic results right from the very start. Also enable you to have total confidence in your new found carpet cleaning abilities.


  • Part 3/- Its this part of the site which will only allow people in who are very serious about their home carpets and upholstery cleaning. You will only want to become a member of this part of the site once you have mastered the skills, the techniques and have experienced just how to get a fantastic carpet cleaning result. It is these super results which will spur you on to want to learn more from part 3 of the site. Part 3 teaches about carpet maintenance cleaning, upholstery cleaning, protection treatments and more.


My advice to you would be to glean all you can from your FREE membership.

Become a free member just to see how the site works. You will very quickly get to know whether or not DIY carpet cleaning is for you. It really isn’t every bodies cup of tea. But for some people who enjoy DIY, then YES, you will find shanedaley.org most helpful. All I’m requesting from you now is that you join us as a FREE member. FREE membership lasts for 60 days. There is no obligation or commitments required. If after the 60 days you feel you no longer require the information on the site, then you are free to leave without further a do.

However, if you you’d like to progress your learning to part 2/ of the site, you will be very welcome too. But at no time whatsoever will you be under any obligation. The FREE part 1/of the site will help you decide whether or not to continue learning more about DIY carpet cleaning at shanedaley.org.

Please secure your FREE membership now. I will gift you A FREE download of my latest Carpet Cleaning E Book. Limited offer to the first 50 only. Click the link and register for your FREE membership now.

Or. if you’d like to go straight onto part 2 access you can. Simply click the link.