Hire A Carpet Steam Cleaner.
Really Clean You’re Carpets Using Much Less Effort, Here’s How.
The fastest and simplest way to hire a carpet steam cleaner is two fold. Either way, you’ll get what you want, and you can compare a few prices as well. Most carpet steam cleaner hire machines for diy carpet cleaning are much the same. You can visit any number of hire shops in your local area and each carpet steam cleaner will be very similar in most ways.
The secret when your looking to hire a machine is to obviously get one that suits your needs. You can usually choose from an upright machine, (like a rug doctor) or a wand type carpet cleaner.
I don’t want to bear any prejudice about which diy machine you should choose, but I will tell you the benefits of each one. I am referring to a soil extraction machine while using the term steam cleaner. Most people use the term steam cleaner when referring to the soil extraction cleaner.
1/ Using An Upright Carpet Steam Cleaner Hire Machine.
These type of carpet cleaning machines often come with a wand tool attachment. So you actually get both types of machine in one. You get a hand tool (remember to ask for it) with the machine for stair cleaning, carpet edges, stain and spot cleaning
The idea of the upright steam cleaner machine is that it can easily be pulled across your carpet. You simply just add your cleaning solution and you pull the whole machine across your carpet slowly in order for it to clean. Because you are actually pulling the machine, the weight of it needs to be low as you would struggle pulling a heavy machine filled with cleaning solution.
Because of how most upright hire machines work, the whole thing is compact. You get less cleaning solution in the machine for you to pull it across your carpets easier. But the good thing about these upright steam cleaning hire machines is that you get a rotating brush on the underside.
As the brush spins, it will loosen and separate carpet soils and the solution spray and vacuum will rinse and steam wash your carpets as you pull the machine across the carpet. This type of carpet steam cleaning machine is designed for easier cleaning. It requires nothing more than pulling the whole thing across your carpets slowly.
2/ For Optimum Results Hire A Carpet Steam Cleaner With A Wand Tool.
It Offers Precision Carpet Cleaning.
You’ve probably seen these types of hire machines used before. Very rarely will you see a professional carpet cleaning technician use anything but this type of steam cleaning machine. There are many advantages to this type of hire machine. But there are dis-vantages too.
The main reason why these machines are used by the pro’s is because there is a better and more precise way to control them. You get an accurate solution spray which you can use more precisely. For instance, say you have an area where you sit. There is soiling visible around where you rest your feet. By using the wand type carpet steam cleaner machine, you can clean these areas with much more precision.
The wand tool is not heavy, like pulling the upright steam carpet cleaner is. See this post about he small carpet steam cleaner. The soiled areas can be cleaned more easily using the wand type carpet cleaning machine.
Note: Use A Carpet Steam Cleaner Hire Machine With The Professional Techniques On This Site.
My guess is that if you fail to use the right carpet cleaning technique, you’ll over wet your carpet using this type of machine. Going over a soiled area re-repeatedly will drench your carpets.
However, my own personal opinion as far as which machine is best, either the upright carpet steam cleaner machine or the carpet steam cleaner with a wand tool is this;
You can actually fill up the wand type carpet cleaning machine because your not pulling it across your carpets. The only part of the machine which you are using is the wand tool. This is obviously easier, as dragging a heavy solution filled machine across your carpets can be strenuous work.
Something else I’d like to mention is this;
The wand type carpet cleaner machine will clean more carpet using one full solution tank. Were as, the upright cleaner will need to be re-filled before it does the same amount of carpet cleaning and as thoroughly too.
My own choice if asked, I would recommend that you hire a carpet steam cleaner with the wand type carpet cleaning. You want to do a room all in one go. You don’t want to be stopping and starting to fill the machine with cleaning solution.
Here’s How Professionals Use A Carpet Wand Tool.
The carpet wand tool has a front and back where it rests on your carpet. To prevent over wetting, you raise your wand tool up high when your bringing the tool back towards yourself (solution trigger spray on) Then, stop after 1 foot and release your trigger spray. Then lower your wand tool to thigh height and push the tool forward over your cleaned area. So, it’s raise your wand tool high bringing it back towards yourself with the trigger spray pressed. After 1 foot, release the trigger spray, lower the wand tool to about thigh height then push forward across your cleaned area.
The reason why carpet steam cleaning with a wand tool must be done this way is because, if you look at the wand tool, you will see a front and a back edge where it meets your carpet. If you was to simply push and pull the wand tool across your carpets, then there would likely be zero air flow through the wand tool. What I mean is, that the air flow will carry the sucked out solution up through the wand tool and into the extraction machine recovery tank.
The air flow is created by raising and lowering the floor wand tool. The air rushes in through the back end of the tool while your pulling it towards your self (raised.)
When you lower the tool, the air rushes in the front of the tool and sucks up access solution into the recover tank.
Anyhow, that’s how to use a carpet wand tool. Follow these instructions and the likely hood of you over-wetting your carpets is dramatically reduced.
I’m referring carpet steam cleaning as soil extraction cleaning. Most people, even pro’s and customers alike refer to it as the same thing. But I’m not telling you too much here. You may well like to visit this blog for additional reading — https://www.carpetcleaner-hire.co.uk/blog/.
There is plenty more to do with effective carpet cleaning techniques. There is something I would like you to read. It’s my Carpet Cleaning E Book. FREE GIFT.
I wish you well
Shane Daley
PS. Hire a carpet steam cleaning machine locally.
Or carpet steam cleaner hire here from me.
If you are in the USA, go here for equipment.
Prices vary quite a bit. Source out two or three carpet steam cleaner machines, get info about each one. Sit and relax a bit with the info provided, then make a choice about which carpet steam cleaner hire machine is best for you. Remember prices do vary, quality of DIY carpet cleaning hire machines in the UK often does not.
In the UK, if you hire from me, you pay through the link above. I then get to work and find a suitable hire machine for you in your local area. It saves you from getting a machine that may not be right for the job. I will be certain to arrange a hire machine that will clean your carpets adequately.
Have you cleaned your carpets before yourself? Please let me know how you got on. Leave a comment below or e mail to support@shanedaley.org.